Phone Stand with Wireless Charger

Phone Stand with Wireless Charger

A5 Notebook with Wireless Charger 5W

A5 Notebook with Wireless Charger 5W

Description: This wireless charging enabled port allow cable free charging. Hassle free and convenient. 

*Note: Wireless charging adapter/receiver not included

List of compatible phones for charging: 


Samsung S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge+, S7, S7 Edge, Note 5, Note 7, S8

LG Nexus 4,5,6, Lte2, D1, G3,G

Nokia Lumia 820, 1020, 1520, 920, 822, 93

Motorola Droid Maxx, Droid Mini, Droid Turdp, Watch 36C

Google Nexus 4,5,6,7

Apple Iphone 8, 8+, X

Sony Xperia Z3v, Z4v

HTC 8X, Butterfly, Incredible 4G LTE, Droid DNA



Dimension: 10  x 1.0 cm

Colours: Black or White

Material: Plastic + T-Gloss

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