Rubiks Powerbank 2500mAh

Rubiks Powerbank 2500mAh

Lamy Al-Star Fountain Pen

Lamy Al-Star Fountain Pen

The Iconic Cube which has made Rubik’s so successful.

Both fun, and practical, the Rubik’s Bluetooth Speaker plays your favorite tune on the go, all the while catching looks and associating your brand to values of creativity, success, smarts, problem-solving…!

All the while, the large branding surfaces give you ample space to communicate with any imagery, branding elements or messages.

Personalization: Offset printing
Power: 3W
Size: 7 x 7 x 7 cm
Packaging: White box
Optional: Microfiber Pouch

Rubik’s® and Rubik’s Cube® are protected by Trademark and 3D Trademark

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